Weekly newsletter: Will is building a tiny house out of a school bus
Hey Guys,
I wrote the subject and felt like I was telling on Will, so it's probably best to just dive into that without some long greeting.
1. So..Will is building a tiny house out of a school bus. He's been talking about building a tiny house for a few years so I'm super excited to watch him go through this process. He has no idea what he's doing and I'm uncertain about his bathroom plans, but I know it will turn out great. The other day someone broke in to squat on his bus. (They even left their book bag as if they were coming back.) It's terrible, but again, I laughed at his plight. I mean...he's building a house in a school bus and someone broke in because they wanted to live there?! Is that not hilarious? You can follow his progress on his Instagram stories. Fair warning: Sometimes he posts random and reckless messages. (He'll block me when he knows he's posting something I won't approve of). It's mostly funny if you get his humor. Anyway, follow at your own risk.
2. I've been reading The Big Leap by Gay Hendricks. My friend Nosa told me about this book about 3 or 4 years ago. She couldn't remember the name at the time. A few days ago she text me out the blue and said "The Big Leap" I immediately knew it was the name of the book she couldn't remember and I knew that her random text meant it was time to read it. I was right. It's such a timely read. It talks about getting to your Zone of Genius. Without knowing it, we have a limit on the amount of happiness that we think we can have or that we deserve. When we find ourselves at what we think is the limit, we'll do something to sabotage our happiness so that we can be brought back to a space we're comfortable in. I used to do this ALL the time (and my limit was low). I got much better about raising the limit when I started learning the law of attraction. Lately, I've felt it creeping back up though and I'm glad to be aware of what it is and how to combat it. This book is teaching me how to erase the limit and live in this amazing space of happiness and joy all the time.
3. The average person in the US wastes about a pound of food per day. That's a lot of wasted food. I'm not going anywhere with this. Read the article here.
4. The best leaders see things that others don’t. Art can help. Interesting read from the Harvard Business Review.
5. I've been spending a lot of time thinking about cocktails and where I fit in that world. And I've realized that I don't...well kinda. What I mean is, I love cocktails (drinking them and creating them), but it's a very American innovation (and a great one). I appreciate the history, but it's only one part of my drinking story. The truth is, I love spirits because they connect me to where I'm from, the places I've been and the places I want to go. I like understanding why people throughout the world drink what they drink and how this is a part of their culture. Creating cocktails is where I get to fuse American history with my experiences with travel and other cultures. I want to dive more into those global stories. I say all that to say, Holy Sip is coming soon.
Hope you guys are well!