Vol. 6, No 37 | Holy Sip Jamaica 2022!
Hey Ya’ll,
Believe it or not, I didn’t think this dinner was going to happen. This will be the fifth dinner in Jamaica and I was putting a lot of pressure on it to be bigger and better than all the others that came before it. (Or maybe just better).
Anyway, I’m glad I got over that. As soon as I booked the venue, the excitement started to begin and I couldn’t believe that I ever thought about cancelling it. This dinner has always been about bringing people together to a place that means a lot to me and I’m grateful that I get to do that again.
It’s hard to sum up this experience to people that have never been before, but it really is about the meal. You’re coming to Jamaica for dinner. Sure, you’ll probably stay more than a day and other things might happen, but the experience is dinner. This year I’m super excited to partner with GeeJam for accommodations. They’re offering guests of the dinner a discount on their rooms. GeeJam is one of my favorite hotels in the world and as I’ve mentioned before, it’s the entire reason I even found out about Port Antonio. If you’re interested in staying here, please send me an email for info.
And that concludes all the information I have. Again, it’s dinner.
Buy tickets here. Ask questions later.