Please don't bring cocaine...we now have coffee.
I'm a little weird around drugs. It's not that I have anything morally significant against them. (I have my own vices: rum, bread and overthinking). Drugs just freak me out. Maybe it's the whole possibly getting arrested thing or watching entirely too many mob movies. Either way, they make me even more awkward than I naturally am.
One day, I was giving someone a tour of the space for an event rental. I thought it went well, most people generally like the space.
But then, at the end of the tour, the lady pulls me to the side and leans in to whisper, "I think there is a bag of cocaine over there."
"Huh?!," I gasped and clutched my invisible pearls. "I don't think that's possible." (Because I'm extremely naive about such things.)
"I'm pretty sure," she responded without giving my shock any attention at all.
She left and this is where my freakout started. I walked to the loft area and picked up the bag. I immediately second guessed that move. Should I be touching "cocaine"? Can I get in trouble for this? Should I call the cops? Would they think it was really mine? Do I taste it like in the movies? What am I supposed to do with this?!?
After a serious intense battle and an offer by someone else in the building to take it, the contents were finally flushed down the toilet. I washed my hands for about 20 minutes and finally calmed down.
So please don't bring drugs. I'm just no good around them. Instead come drink some coffee. ( I know they're not really the same, but close, no?) Starting Thursday we'll be french pressing locally delicious Octane coffee and loose leaf teas from Just Add Honey. We also have tons of alcohol.

Thanks to everyone that read this last week. A special thanks to everyone that sent their encouragement, shock and other amazing feedback.